
Fernando Aguila, M.D.
Fernando Aguila, M.D., graduated from the University of Santa Thomas in Manila , Philippines. He finished his internship at Cambridge City Hospital, Cambridge, MA and completed his residency at the New England Medical Center in Boston, MA. He obtained a fellowship in OB-GYN anesthesia at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a fellowship in cardio-thoracic anesthesia at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, OH. 

Due to a heavy patient load, I have recently found that I tire more easily, my legs are cramping, and by the time I get home, even my shoulders and rib cage hurt. I knew I had to find a way to increase my stamina, energy and vitality.
A friend gave me information about stem cell nutrition and how it promotes the release of stem cells in the body. One of the components apparently promotes the migration of the stem cells to tissues or organs where regeneration and repair is needed most. My attention was drawn to the fact that it can increase energy, vitality, wellness, concentration, and much more. It sounded just like what I needed.
Since then, I've heard testimonials from others who have experienced significant improvement in their painful arthritis. They claimedthe paint had became almost negligible. I heard about patients who regulated their diabetes, blood pressure, and had improvements in cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and even myocardial infarctions.
The improvements sounded dramatic. Because of all of their testimonies, I was willing to believe it could promote wellness in the human body.
I tried stem cell nutrition myself. After a day, of hard work, I realized I wasn't tired at all, my legs were not aching, and I didn't have any shoulder pain. I decided the stem cell nutrition must be working. I continued to take it, and was able to work so efficiently and steadily that one surgeon commented that I was moving like a ball of fire.
Stem cell nutrition gives me support physically and mentally. I look forward to seeing what the major medical journals have to say about the studies being done with this new approach to wellness.

Cliff Minter, D.P.M.
Cliff Minter (retired) graduated from Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine.
He completed his residency at the Hugar Surgery Center in the Hines Veteran Administration Hospital in Illinois before going into private practice in Ventura, CA. Dr. Minter is a national and international speaker on the subjects of business and nutritional products. 

Stem cells are the most powerful cells in the body. We know that stem cells, once they're circulating in the bloodstream, will travel to any area of the body that has been compromised or damaged and turn into healthy cells.
There have been controversial discussions about the new stem cells found in embryos, but the truth is that everyone has adult stem cells in their own bodies. We are all created from stem cells. As a child or a young adult, your body automatically releases stem cells whenever you injure yourself.
That's why you heal so fast when you are younger. After about age 35, we don't heal as fast anymore, because the stem cells aren't released the same way as when we are younger. Stem cell nutrition helps all of us heal our bodies.
If you look at the New England Journal of Medicine, you'll find that the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body. Stem cell nutrition is the organic and all-natural way to stimulate the bone marrow to release adult stem cells into the bloodstream.
By taking stem cell nutrition, you can maintain optimum health and aid your body in healing itself. It's certainly a better way to recuperate from an illness than using prescription drugs, because even when a medication works, it can often be hard on your liver and the rest of your body.
Stem cell nutrition has no negative side effects. This makes it a powerful approach to healing and good health in general. I found out about stem cell nutrition after someone asked for my opinion on it.
I did some research and found it to be one of the greatest ways to slow down aging that we have.
Aging is nothing more than the breakdown of cells. Stem cell nutrition combats that action. As cells break down, stem cell nutrition replaces them with healthy cells.
This is the greatest, most natural anti-aging method I know. I was skeptical at first, but the results I’ve personally seen in people I’ve talked with have been wide-ranged.
Lots of people have reported an increase in energy and better sleeping patterns.
I've seen people with arthritis in various parts of their bodies reverse the disease, and people with asthma end up with their lungs totally clear. One person that was on oxygen almost 24/7 is now totally off of oxygen.
Two ladies who suffered badly from PMS told me they were 100 percent symptom-free within weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition. Two people I know had “tennis elbow” which usually takes about six to nine months to heal.
Within weeks of taking stem cell nutrition, both report their "tennis elbow" is gone. It makes sense, because stem cells go to whatever area is compromised and turn into healthy cells.
I use stem cell nutrition as a preventative. I've noticed an increase in my energy level and an improved sleeping pattern. Stem cell nutrition has zero negative side effects, is very powerful, and we know how it works. It's good for children as well as adults. This is the best, most natural way I know to optimum health.
If you just want to use it for prevention, this is the best thing I know for staying healthy. And if you do have health challenges, it's the best way I know of overcoming those and regaining optimum health. I recommend it to everybody.

Nancy White, Ph. D.
Dr. White holds a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology, an MA in Behavioral Science, and a B.F.A. in Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude. In addition, she is licensed in the State of Texas as a Psychologist , a Marriage and Family Therapist and as a Chemical Dependency Counselor.
I've always been interested in health generally and in particular the brain, focusing on the balance of neurotransmitters. I often do quantitative EEG's for assessment of my patients. I'm impressed with the concept of a natural product like stem cell nutrition that could help release adult stem cells from the bone mass where the body would have no objection and no rejection.
I've tried stem cell nutrition for general health anti-aging. After taking it for a time, I fell more agile and my joints are far more flexible. I was astounded while doing yoga that I was suddenly able to bend over and touch my forehead to my knees. I haven’t been able to do that comfortably in probably twenty years.
I noticed how much better my balance has become. I believe stem cell nutrition is responsible for these effects, because I certainly haven't been trained extensively in yoga. Also since taking stem cell nutrition, I feel better and my skin is more moist and has a finer texture.
A bald friend of mine, who is also taking the stem cell nutrition, had several small cancers on top of his head. His doctor had removed one from his arm already, and his dermatologist set a date to remove those from his scalp. Before the appointment, my friend was shaving one morning and, looking in the mirror, saw that the cancers were all gone. They had disappeared within a few weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition and his skin is better overall. Also, his knee, which he’d strained playing tennis, was like new.
Stem cell nutrition seems to go where the body's priority is. You never know what the affect is going to be, but you notice something is changing.
Another friend of mine seems to be dropping years. Her skin looks smoother and her face younger. After about six weeks on the stem cell nutrition, she looks like she’s ten years younger. A woman who gives her regular facials asked what she was doing, because her skin looked so much different.
Stem cell nutrition is remarkable and could help anybody. Everybody should try it, because it’s natural and there are no risks. As we grow older in years, we still can have good health. That’s the ideal. Even if you don’t currently have a problem, stem cell nutrition is a preventative.

G. W. • I am sixty-eight years old and have uncontrollable diabetes. Fifty units of insulin three to five times a day couldn’t keep my blood sugar level normal. It would soar over 300, and the insulin could only bring it down the mid-200 range. I developed high blood pressure and was losing my eyesight from my unstable blood sugar. After ten days on stem cell nutrition, I was able to bring my blood sugar level down to 150 to 160.
After six weeks, I could control my sugar levels at 120 to 140 with less than 30 units of insulin. Within eight weeks, I didn’t need to take insulin anymore.
Since then, I can maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication. My vision cleared and the floaters in my eyes are completely gone. My blood pressure, which was 212/150, is now down to 110/60.
I also suffer from arthritis. I have been a professional soccer player in the Netherlands where I injured my knees. Later, in my handyman business, I had trouble using step ladders to install ceiling fans and the like. I would have so much swelling and pain in my knees, that I would have to literally crawl up the steps to get home.
Six weeks after starting the stem cell nutrition, I went off pain medication totally. The swelling went down, and it looks as though I have soccer legs back.
The other day I was "carded” for my Senior Citizens Discount at a restaurant! I feel like I’m 39 or younger! My hair is even turning back to its natural color.
Stem cell nutrition has revolutionized my life. I feel like I am physically reborn.

Sinuses and Restless Leg Syndrome
Don Miller • I am sixty-five years old and before I began taking stem cell nutrition I had terrible problems with pressure in my sinuses. I would wake up at four in the morning with my head throbbing and sinus pressure throughout the day. I also had restless leg syndrome, and terrible leg cramps. I would have to take something at night so I could go to sleep.
I started taking stem cell nutrition approximately two months ago, and in a matter of two or three days, I noticed an improvement in all of my symptoms. My sinuses no longer bother me. I sleep soundly through the night without taking anything and I also have a lot more energy during the day.
Recently I had a run-in with a colt. X-rays showed I had a broken rib, which healed much faster than expected. Within ten days I saw a big improvement and the pain was gone. The soreness left quickly and my ribs don't bother me at all.
I have always heard that it's important to have a normal pH level, but mine has been very low. Nothing I've used before affected my pH level, but now, with stem cell nutrition, my pH is in the healthy range. I am so thankful for stem cell nutrition.

Legs Cramps and Poor Circulation
Ed Garza • I was an athlete in high school and college during my twenties. But when I turned thirty-five, I felt like I had aged overnight. I had no energy and couldn't sleep. I had horrible cramps in my legs along with poor circulation.
On top of all that, I have asthma. I gave up asthma medication years ago because of the side effects, so I suffered all these years, waking up every morning nauseated, with mucus buildup so bad that I would cough until I vomited.
I worried because Type II diabetes runs in my family. I craved sodas and drank one or two liters a day. My vision became so blurry, I couldn't read a phone book or numbers on a business card. I started taking the stem cell nutrition and right away I noticed a tingling in my legs. My craving for soda vanished, and I thought wow, that is strange. That night I slept seven hours straight, not having to get up once to go to the bathroom. When I woke up, I had no nausea, mucus buildup or vomiting.
Now four months later, my legs are mine again. I have no more cramps, and my circulation has improved. I have so much energy, I can jog now. My vision has improved so much I can read the phone book and business cards without trouble.
I'm excited about life. I feel like I'm in my twenties again, the way I should feel.

Eyesight Recovered
Peggy Zumbaum, RN, BSN, Retired • I had detached retinas and had to have immediate surgery for each eye. I was told I would never read again.
Other issues included arthritis in my fingers and back, high blood pressure around 200/100 and, for a number of years suffering from an injury in my right knee as well as leg cramps at night.
That's all gone away since I've been on stem cell nutrition. I can read again! The flashes and floaters have disappeared from my vision and the tightness in my eye has gone away. Now I'm on the computer all day long, every day. My arthritis no longer causes me pain, and I have a lot more flexibility.
I also get a good night's sleep every night and those awful leg cramps are gone. My blood pressure remains at a normal 120/80 and there is no more pain in my knee or my feet. I can't believe the energy and stamina I have now!
My hair was snow white, but it's regaining its darker color and I've even lost six inches off my waistline, although I haven't done anything other than to make sure I take stem cell nutrition.

Neuropathy and High Blood Pressure
Bill Lohmeyer • I'm sixty-seven years old and have Type II diabetes. I suffer from neuropathy and had difficulty sleeping at night because of the pain.
I have also had problems keeping my blood sugar stable. I tried to keep it down with prescription medications, but my blood sugar levels would climb as high as 325.
My blood pressure was over 200 and my kidneys tested at number 9, when they should be 1.5 or 1.8. My doctor thought I might end up on dialysis. Also, I've been blind for the past six years. The doctors say that my optic nerves are dead. They think that the chemicals I used while crop spraying my farm caused my blindness. I felt hopeless until I heard about stem cell nutrition.
After taking it for sixty days, I went back to the doctor. My test results were unbelievable! My blood pressure had fallen to 110/70, and my blood sugar was a normal 90. The count on my kidneys had dropped from 9 to 4.5. Now I'm off all of my medication, and today my blood sugar is normal and stable.
My neuropathy is 75 percent improved. Because of my blindness, I had to use a large pencil to jot a few words down on paper and now I use a small one instead. I can even see the red indicator light on my machine for the first time.
My doctor wrote to tell me that my hemoglobin test (for diabetic control) had the best results I've ever had. It was almost at our target of under 6.5. He said I was doing really well and to keep up the good work.
Because of stem cell nutrition, I now have hope of being able to drive and fly again and see the bobber when the fish bite!
I feel really good!

Vision Improvement
Marjorie Sons • I am sixty and am visually impaired. I've worn glasses since age ten, due to being very near-sighted and having an astigmatism as well. Without glasses, I have to hold reading material three inches from my nose to see it clearly.
After including stem cell nutrition in my diet, my vision is improving. It sounds impossible, I know, but after five weeks I can definitely recognize a difference.
Without my glasses, I can now read literature ten inches from my nose! I'm so excited! Before I discovered stem cell nutrition, I couldn't see the veins on a leaf, nor blades of grass without my glasses due to my inability to focus on nearby objects. Now I can.
In addition to my stronger eyesight, I also sleep through the night longer without interruption, have improved elimination, think more clearly, and people tell me that I look younger. I have very little gray hair and few wrinkles. I credit all this improvement to stem cell nutrition.

Allergies and Chronic Cough
Saundra Cleveland • For over fifteen years I have had a chronic cough due to year round allergies. During allergy season, I couldn't go to church or other functions, because people would think I was contagious. My coughing was so disruptive, I couldn't sit through a meeting. Often, without treatment, I would end up with bronchitis or bronchial pneumonia within 24 to 48 hours. My immune system completely broke down, and I had fever blisters in my nose and around my mouth all of the time. I kept getting worse and had no energy at all. The doctor put me on cortisone and allergy shots, worrying that my respiratory system was going to collapse.
After three years, my health did not improve. I heard about stem cell nutrition and decided to try it and after three days, I realized that I was not coughing anymore. I cannot tell you how much better I can breathe. It no longer feels like somebody has a cloth over my mouth. I can feel the air going all of the way down into my lungs. I sleep soundly now because I don't wake up gasping for breath. The added energy has allowed me to reshape my body, because I can move around so much more. I feel great!

Getting Younger - Vision, Heart & Brain
Stephen R. Lewis • I first heard about stem cell nutrition in Hawaii. Three naturopathic and three medical doctors told me that stem cell nutrition was probably the biggest breakthrough for science in the last 100 years.
After taking stem cell nutrition myself, I've noticed major improvements in my body. For instance, my vision has changed. I've worn glasses for driving the past eight years, but things started looking fuzzy through those lenses. They were too strong.
I noticed that reading and looking at things up close had improved dramatically. I went for an eye exam, and my doctor cut my prescription in half. When I was sixty, I had a heart attack. I was very fortunate not to have damaged my heart. I only needed stents put in. Now I am running nine-minute miles and working out. I'm in great shape.
I had my brain waves mapped when I was fifty-eight years old. Neurotherapy is the medical procedure which includes mapping the brain. Alpha, beta, and theta waves produced by the brain are measured to determine whether there's been any damage or deterioration.
I was told that my beta waves, the cognitive brain waves, were at the level of a forty year old. That meant I was thinking like a relatively younger person.
Recently, I had my brain mapped again, and they found I had the cognitive function of a twenty-five year old. What a thrill! I'm getting younger all the time!

Chronic Health Issues
Thelma Martin • I am ninety-two years young and I have been dealing with many chronic health issues.
I had been sick so long that sometimes I just wished to die. I was completely blind in one eye, and the other eye had only 40 percent vision at best. The doctors said there was no chance I would recover my sight.
I also had problems with my hands, which were curved like I was trying to catch a baseball, and were constantly cold for the past three years. I could not move them and there was no way I could get them warm. I also had an ulcer on my ankle since I was 18 that would break into a running sore every year. My other foot had great big bunions on it. I knew that something would come up that would help me. Then, two months ago a friend brought me some stem cell nutrition.
I began to take two capsules every six hours, three times a day. On the second day, I began to feel heat in the palm of my hands, and on the third morning when I woke up, my hands were as straight as a 35-year-old's. They were very warm and have not been cold since. The ulcer on my ankle has healed. There is no tightness or redness.
My legs have straightened out and feel like my old legs again. But the biggest thing for me is my eyesight: I can now see out of my eye that was totally blind! I can see everything in the room and I can walk around the house without touching a piece of furniture. I feel that it is a miracle, and I am so happy that I wish I could tell this to millions of people - especially the older people. I have so much energy, and I feel better than I did when I was fifty years old.

Amazing Recovery From 5 Story Fall
Barry Jones • While working as a contractor and builder, I accidentally fell five and half stories. I broke my back in two places, cracked four ribs, and shattered my pelvis. My major organs were displaced, including my heart. At first, people thought I was dead, but the Lord spared my life. Doctors said it was a miracle. I was told my left leg would be paralyzed, and I would need pain medication for a year.
Surgeries and therapies were scheduled, to prevent total paralysis. After my mother brought me stem cell nutrition, I reduced my pain medication until I needed none at all. I followed through with physical therapy, and the doctors were amazed at my recovery, especially when I began to walk on both feet unassisted. I'm really blessed for having the stem cell nutrition. I am now looking forward to an almost complete recovery which was not anticipated in the beginning.

Running With a Bum Knee
Kenny Gaddy • I have a bum knee. Over the years it has taken a lot of punishment from playing different sports. My knee would buckle walking upstairs, feeling like the cartilage between the bones was missing. I used to run a lot, but I hadn't been able to lately because of the pain.
After three days of taking the stem cell nutrition, I walked upstairs without my knee buckling or feeling any pain. I was pleasantly surprised at the strength in my knee, so to test it, I ran up the stairs. I was so excited! When I get up in the morning now, I hit the floor running. Nothing but the stem cell nutrition could have brought about that improvement.

Parkinson's Symptoms Gone
George Guyatt • I was diagnosed a few years ago with Parkinson's disease. My symptoms included loss of memory, difficulty walking, and tremors. Three doctors in town, plus one at the VA, agreed I had Parkinson's. Recently, after starting on stem cell nutrition, I noticed a big difference.
Right away, my memory got better, and my walking improved 100 percent. I found it was much easier to get in and out of cars. I went to the neurologist for my regular check up, and she put me through all kinds of tests, but they all came back clear. I showed no signs of Parkinson's.
When she rotated my joints, she said she could barely detect a problem and couldn't believe what she was seeing.
She asked what I was doing differently, and I told her about the stem cell nutrition. She said she would like to know more about it and told me that I would not have to come back anymore unless I wanted to. I'll never be without the stem cell nutrition.
Lung Function Greatly Improved
Lawrence Ashdown • I am seventy-five, and for many years I've suffered from a serious lung disease related to emphysema. A section of my lungs captures air, but doesn't release it, so the air expands and compresses the rest of the lung so it can't function well. This caused me to breathe very heavily, especially when sleeping, and restricted my daily activities.
A breath analyzer test and chest x-ray showed that I had lost 45 percent of my lung capacity. The doctor said there was no activity in one section of my lungs. I was told there is no cure and no medication for my condition. Due to medical restrictions and the advise of my doctor, we decided against removing that part of my lung.
Within three weeks of starting on stem cell nutrition, I noticed a definite improvement. I could walk much farther without stopping to rest.
My doctor tested the oxygen level in my blood and found it had increased. He discovered some activity in the part of my lungs that showed none before.
I am now breathing better and don't hear that rattling sound in my lungs. All the congestion is cleared up. Since then, I started an exercise program, and even though I push the limit, I have no soreness or stiffness in my arms, shoulders, or legs. Stem cell nutrition has given me a much brighter outlook for the future.

Chest Tightness and Chronic Pain
Jim Parker • My interest in alternative health care started thirty years ago after a severe bout with psoriasis and Bell's Palsy, which left me with an eye twitch.
The vision in my left eye was blurry. In addition, an old football injury had left me with chronic pain that made it difficult to use the stairs. I also had recurring pain in my neck, back, and joints.
Last summer, I became concerned when mowing the lawn or taking out the trash, because it caused a tightness in my chest and shortness of breath.
After taking stem cell nutrition for a couple of weeks, my knee stopped hurting. The pain is completely gone from my knee, neck, back, and joints. After three months, my eyesight improved immensely, and I no longer have a twitch in my eye. I haven't had the tightness in my chest or shortness of breath since starting the stem cell nutrition.
Stem cell nutrition has improved my overall health, and I plan to take it for the rest of my life.

Two Months to Live
Ian Seitman • Seven, years ago, I was told that I only had two months to live. I had two brain tumors and was treated with chemotherapy and radiation, which left my head numb and deteriorated my eyesight. I lost hearing in my right ear. The treatments burned my sinuses and nasal passages, and my breathing was shallow. Some foods would cause seizures.
The side effects were worse than the disease. I sat at home under a blanket like a depressed vegetable. I had no balance and, when I did get up, I had to walk with a cane. The best I could do was ride a 3-wheel bike for one block before returning for a nap.
Within 12 hours of trying the stem cell nutrition, my vision got sharper, and in a week or so, 80 percent of my eyesight returned. My cataract disappeared. I could breathe again. I regained 50 percent of my hearing and my strength increased dramatically. Soon, I was riding my bike every day for three miles. My doctor said that I had the best MRI that I had had in five years. The stem cell nutrition is a miracle.

Muscle & Nerve Damage
Jay Stahler • I am sixty-six years old. I Injured my head, neck muscles, and upper torso while working. After months of physical therapy for muscle and nerve damage, two orthopedic surgeons told me I would not have a full recovery.
I needed rotor cuff surgery, as well, but decided to delay that as long as I could. I suffered with muscle spasms in my upper back and shoulder muscles until I started taking stem cell nutrition.
After six weeks, I can now sleep on either side all night long without pain. I've regained so much arm movement, I've rejected the idea of surgery. I also have much more energy. My muscles have relaxed and don't hurt anymore. I believe I have healed, thanks to stem cell nutrition.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Marie Garza • I am a forty-eight year old college student. This past year I was suffering from stress and grief over my mother’s death. I was depressed and couldn't sleep. I paced the floor in the middle of the night, worrying a bout the next exam or how to deal with my mother’s estate.
The first night after taking stem cell nutrition, I slept soundly all through the night. The next morning I woke up feeling wonderful, with a sense of serenity, peace, and calm. Soon, I felt stronger and better able to cope with problems less emotionally.
I hadn't realized I had been so depressed until I started to feel better.
Later, I noticed that the chronic hip pain I'd had for ten years was going away. Back when I was a dancer, I had overextended the ligaments in my hip. I love to walk my dog and when we walked any distance, my hip would hurt so badly that I would limp. Now I can walk my dog without pain, and in the wintertime, even on icy sidewalks, I don't limp or favor my leg anymore. This is great! I hadn't expected relief for my sore hip. Then I discovered my vision had improved. My eyeglasses were suddenly too strong, so I went back to using my older pair that are much weaker. I may just stop using them completely.
I've been on stem cell nutrition for about five months. I sleep better, my hip is better, my vision is better, and I am a stronger person emotionally. I now know I can face problems without stress and anxiety.

Joint Problems and Degenerative Disc Disease
Lynn Bernal • I have been in a wheelchair for the past eleven years. I have serious joint problems and degenerative disc disease with a separation between the 9th and 5th cervical vertebrae in my neck from a car accident in 1972, which left me a 30 percent disability.
Degenerative arthritis and serious complications set in and made it difficult for me to stand for more than three minutes at a time without severe back spasms. At home, I needed a cane or walker and going places such as the grocery store were impossible without my wheelchair. On top of that, my doctor recommended a knee replacement.
After five weeks of taking stem cell nutrition, I got out of my wheelchair completely pain free! I no longer have any pain in my knee whatsoever and after an MRI showed calcium chipping away, I'm told there is no immediate need of a knee replacement.
I also found that stem cell nutrition increased the speed of healing. After I had a growth removed from my eyelid, it was totally healed in three days! I never saw the bruising or bloody tears my doctor predicted. I didn't have to apply any ice or take anything for discomfort.
All of the swelling was gone in the first 24 hours. After that, I had a bad fall, spraining my ankle and wrist. I'm still amazed at the quick healing process. A recent visit with both my doctor and my chiropractor brought the news that the disability to my neck has decreased to 10% from 30%. I'm so happy about the improvement. I'm sleeping soundly throughout the night without making any trips to the bathroom. Best of all, I'm out of my wheelchair completely now-it's parked in my basement. I can't say enough positive things about stem cell nutrition.

Chronic Pain
Jack Dean Yoos • I am seventy-three years old and for the past fourteen years I have had chronic excruciating pain in my back, hip, knees, and legs due to degenerative hip tissue. I used a cane to walk and couldn't sit or stand for more than fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. I couldn’t bend over to pick up anything and couldn't even put on my socks or shoes.
Normally, it took me a couple minutes to get out of my car with extreme pain. Medication brought little relief. Within thirty minutes of taking stem cell nutrition I noticed a warm tingling feeling in my left hip and upper leg for the first time in over four years. Shortly afterward, I could lift my leg with very little pain, and got out of my car much quicker than before. That night, instead of getting up six to eight times to go to the bathroom, I only got up once.
The next morning, I got in and out of the bathtub and pulled on my pants without pain. After one week, I was breathing better without coughing. Now I'm sleeping straight through the night. I can sit and stand for a much longer time without pain. People are telling me that my hair is becoming darker, returning to my natural color. The pain in my back, legs, and knees is now gone, and my left hip hurts only 25 percent as bad as it did. I walk half the time without my cane, and can climb up and down steps without hesitation.
My waist has gone down from 44 to 38 inches without dieting. I can see and feel my body reshaping, rebuilding, repairing, and seemingly going back to a youthful state. I have an overall feeling of calmness and am completely at ease. I feel great. I assure you that I will be taking stem cell nutrition everyday for the rest of my life. I will not go without it.

Recovering Stroke Victim
Wilma Marlatt • I have suffered three strokes, and last time I was given forty-eight hours to live. I collapsed and couldn't walk or talk. I lost all bladder control. Doctors said my body went into severe ketosis. Afterwards, I had a lot of trouble with my bladder and kidneys.
I also had balance problems and would stumble around. Friends talked me into trying stem cell nutrition. Without it, I don't think I would have recovered as I have. I've regained all my speech and my bladder control. I can walk and talk like before. I've gotten rid of other problems, too.
For forty years, I suffered from poor circulation, was always cold. Even in the summer I had a blanket wrapped around me from the waist down, because my legs end feet felt so very cold. After taking stem cell nutrition, I have warmth back in my legs and feet and it just feels so good. I've noticed other improvements.
I used to get massive leg cramps clear down through the thigh and the calf. Even my feet would cramp. If I would try to yawn, I would get cramps under my chin. It was very scary. Now I don’t have any cramps at all. I credit my recovery 100 percent to stem cell nutrition.

Gulf War Syndrome
Jim Duncan • I am a thirty four year old ex-Marine who served in Desert Storm. For ten years, I've suffered from Gulf-War Syndrome, resulting in extreme pain in my back, head, muscles, and joints, sleeping problems, and chronic fatigue.
Neither the doctors, all military specialists, nor homeopathic gurus have been able to help me. I came to believe the pain was there to stay, and I would just have to live with it. After taking stem cell nutrition, all I can say is wow! I no longer have severe back and joint pain.
I enjoy more energy and better focus. I sleep better and feel great. If only I'd found it sooner! I know stem cell nutrition is helping my system to rebuild. I've seen what it's doing for a lot of folks lust like me. Thanks to stem cell nutrition, I now have my life back. I will take it forever because it is truly a blessing.

Blood Clots, Restricted Circulation, and Swelling
Gene Zumbaum • I had a hernia surgery about four years ago and afterwards developed blood clots in my legs. My foot swelled up and became discolored from the restricted circulation. Intense pain, especially in my right leg and groin area made it nearly impossible to walk. I suffered with this condition until recently.
Almost immediately after starting on stem cell nutrition, I experienced complete relief. The pain went away. The swelling went down and my foot became a healthy pink color. As an added bonus, the arthritis that plagued the joints in my hands is completely gone. Also, my high blood pressure has normalized. Stem cell nutrition has tuned back the clock. At nearly eighty years of age, I am in better shape then when I was in my fifties.

Circulation and Sinus Problems
Glenda Gay • I am a cranial sacral therapist who works on spines. I became interested in cranial sacral therapy after a serious spinal injury. My neck actually collapsed, and I had to have a metal plate put in it. I ended up with numbness down my legs and on the bottoms of my feet. My legs and feet felt cold all of the time.
When I took the stem cell nutrition, I began to feel the warmth coming back into my legs, clear down to my toes - something I hadn't felt since my accident twelve years ago. My nerves and circulation seemed to finally heal. The stem cell nutrition gave me more energy, too. In addition to the spinal injury, I have suffered from chronic sinusitis. When I went to bed at night, I always had to choose between taking medications that have side effects or not being able to breathe. I hated waking up with a terrible headache. After I tried the stem cell nutrition, I noticed that the sinus pressure lessened and my head seemed clearer. My sinuses began to drain and I could blow my nose. What a blessing! I'm looking forward to greater and better things from stem cell nutrition. I thank the Lord for It. I don't ever want to have to go without stem cell nutrition again.

Hair Loss
Ardene Sears • I got worried when my hair started falling out. My hair came out by the handful each time I shampooed. Then I developed an intense tingling sensation in my face, which recurred like a vibration under my skin from eyes to mouth. I didn't know whether it was caused by stress or something else. I had been pretty healthy up to that time, except for some chronic pain in my shoulders, hands, and feet which had plagued me for years.
Within three weeks of starting on stem cell nutrition, my hair quit falling out and the tingling in my face stopped. After a month, the pain in my feet disappeared. My arms and shoulders became stronger and more flexible. My hands are still a bit stiff, but the pain is gone. I never thought I'd get rid of my problems until I discovered stem cell nutrition.

Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Leona Stork • I had been taking medication for diabetes and high blood pressure, which had registered at 200/100. Even with medication, my blood sugar levels are barely below 200. I also felt tired and listless from colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Poor circulation kept my fingers cold all the time. I was feeling miserable, especially since I lost my husband a year ago. I miss him terribly.
The first thing I noticed after starting the stem cell nutrition was that warmth returned to my fingers. I couldn't believe it. It also alleviated my IBS symptoms, and I'm really excited not to be suffering from colitis. Now I'm down to once a day on my medication for diabetes instead of twice. My blood sugar tests are averaging 140 and sometimes as low as the 80s.
I'm no longer taking blood pressure medicine since my reading has dropped to 130/80 and my resting pulse is 60. I feel calm and serene, with improved mental clarity. I sleep better, and I have a more positive attitude as a result of taking the stem cell nutrition. I am so grateful for this!

Help for High Blood Pressure
Ann Stahler • I have had high blood pressure since my teens. I've had many health problems throughout my life and although I was able to get most under control my blood pressure continued to be high. Without drugs my blood pressure runs 200/140-150. My goal has always been to say goodbye to prescription drugs.
I had been searching for something that might help me get off the blood pressure medications because they are breaking down my body. Then, about four months ago, I was introduced to stem cell nutrition. I was still taking a lot of blood pressure medication at that time.
After taking the stem cell nutrition, I have been able to eliminate about 30 percent of the blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure is now usually 130/80. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and elimination. Also, my muscles feel more relaxed and I sleep better at night. Stem cell nutrition is a very important part of my health maintenance program. I am thankful my friend introduced it to me.

I Should Have Died
Caroline Lohmeyer • In the early 1970's I was in a serious car wreck. I was thrown out of my vehicle landing on my head, with my forehead taking the impact. I was told most people would have died right then. The doctors called my husband and told him he'd better hurry if he wanted to see me alive. They stitched me up, half expecting I would die during surgery.
I did survive, thank goodness. But there had been lots of glass, sand, and other debris in the wound, and they didn't get that all out. So little pieces of glass and sand have been working their way out of my forehead ever since. Sometimes it festers up like a pimple, and other times a piece of glass painfully works its way out. To make matters worse, I came down with shingles fifteen years ago, which surfaced on my forehead. The pain was excruciating, like being stabbed with needles all of the time. My forehead has always been red, blotchy and sensitive. It looked so bad, I had to wear bangs to cover the unsightly area.
Since I started taking stem cell nutrition my forehead has become smooth. There is hardly a trace of red, just a light pink color, and it's getting better all the time. As a bonus, my elimination has improved, which had been a problem for years. I'm happy I found stem cell nutrition because if we have good health, we have good life.

Positive Results With Stem Cell Nutrition
Jana Shiloh • I am a Certified Classical Homeopath in an integrated medical office with an internist. I have worked with homeopathy for twenty-five years and have been supporting people with natural products. I came across stem cell nutrition approximately six months ago. It sounded very exciting, so I started using it myself and brought it into the clinic.
I have seen some really positive results, some dramatic results. In some cases it seems to work faster with patients who have lung or heart problems. I think the body prioritizes what it needs first, and addresses the critical issues immediately. I've used it with a fifty-four year old professional marathon runner who healed well with it. He had torn his calf muscle and he was told by his doctor and his chiropractor that he couldn't run for three months.
He was very upset about this and he started taking stem cell nutrition daily. After ten days his muscle was healed and he ran a marathon the following week. I also know a woman who had a multitude of symptoms. She was on four canisters of oxygen a day far many months, and could not get up or walk around because she was so short of breath.
After three to four weeks of taking stem cell nutrition she was down to half a canister of oxygen per day. I credit this to stem cell nutrition since it was the only new thing she had tried. I've also seen stem cell nutrition remove small growths in the bodies of patients and on myself. One man had a very large mole on his face, which totally disappeared.
I had a small eruption on my lip that probably could have been diagnosed as a skin tag. It was very irritating to me. I had had it for three years and I noticed this last month that it had completely gone away. Stem cell nutrition seems to correct these kinds of benign growths. I take stem cell nutrition for the anti-aging benefits as well. People now come up to me and tell me I look really great and ask me what I am doing. I would not give up my stem cell nutrition and I recommend it to patients and friends.

More Energy and Weight Loss
Cynthia Tucker, RN, BSN • I am a single mother with two teenage children, and I work up to 55 hours a week in a Shock Trauma Intensive Care Unit. I have been a registered nurse for twenty-seven years. I have suffered with chronic lower back pain for nearly the last four years from the physical requirements of being a nurse.
Since I began taking the stem cell nutrition approximately four months ago, my lower back pain is totally gone and I have a lot more energy than I've had in a long time. An added benefit is the loss of 20 pounds. I’ve lost weight around my hips and in my thighs, which I've been trying to do for years, and with the stem cell nutrition it just happened naturally.
I've taken vitamins and other supplements in the past, but stem cell nutrition has definitely made a big difference. I noticed an overall feeling of well being. It's helped so much that I am very conscious not to miss a dose. I recently cared for a patient in the trauma unit at my hospital who had broken several bones and was really traumatized. He has been taking stem cell nutrition for a while now and is having a remarkable recovery.

Numbness and Spine Pressure
Terri Branch • For almost fifteen years, I've had a numb area just above my right knee. I could scratch, pinch or scrape the large area, and feel nothing. No physician could determine why it went numb. I also had problem with the first seven vertebra at the top of my neck where the discs were wearing away. The doctor gave me cortisone shots, but still every few weeks the pain got so bad I had to stay in bed for several days with a heating pad and strong pain medication.
For eight months I wore a neck collar to relieve the pressure from that area, but it helped very little.
After a few weeks of taking stem cell nutrition every day, I noticed a very surprising result. The numb spot on my leg feels completely normal. All sensation has returned! My neck feels like it did when I was twenty years old. I am pain free and taking no pain medicine. I'm excited to see what will happen next, because I have some other health issues. I will never be without stem cell nutrition.

Skin Lesions and Severe Arthritis
Jim Simmons • I'm seventy-six years old and an insulin dependent diabetic. Due to macular degeneration, I lost the vision in my left eye and all but 35% in my right. I've suffered from neuropathy and the infection problems that go with diabetes. One unusual condition I had, involved little skin lesions all over my body. They itched, and if I rubbed them, they broke off and bled.
In addition, severe arthritis in my spine made any type of movement very painful. After walking about fifteen steps, the pain would be so excruciating I would have to stop.
I was introduced to stem cell nutrition by a friend. In less than a week, the lesions were gone and my arthritic pain went away miraculous! My digestive system is working better, and I have an overall sense of well-being, alertness and mental energy that I didn't have before.
I'm able to walk much better and farther with very little pain. I can now walk to the store and many other places where I need to go, so I put a hold on the electric cart that I had ordered. I hope I'm not dreaming, and I don't think I am, but I do believe I have seen some improvement in my eyesight! I don't think anything I have done has ever had the affect that the stem cell nutrition has, and I'm going to keep taking it.

Migraines, Tension, and Cluster Headaches
Melody Marlatt • For ten years, I've suffered from excruciating migraines headaches that made my head feel like it was going to explode. The migraines were so bad I used to take twenty to thirty aspirin tablets a day.
My doctor ordered an MRI and said I had headaches of every kind: tension headaches, cluster headaches , and migraine headaches. He prescribed various muscle relaxants and pain medications, of which I would take eight to sixteen pills every day. These medications dulled the pain some, but made me sick to my stomach.
I was introduced to stem cell nutrition about two months ago, and now I don't have to take any pain pills whatsoever - the headaches are gone. I am just thrilled to death! It seems too good to be true. I didn’t think anything would ever get rid of my headaches. I never want to be without stem cell nutrition.

Multiple Sclerosis
Christi Holman • I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about seven years ago and suffered from fatigue and memory loss. The doctors started me on daily injections immediately, which I took for about a year and a half. My body did not have much reaction to those and I had another MRI. The multiple sclerosis seemed to be progressing, so the doctors wanted me to change medications. I began a different series of injections, one every three days. I would be down for two days after each injections. Those were bad. I suffered through that regimen far about a year before finding same alternate therapy. I was drinking carrot juice and that seemed to help quite a bit, so I quit having the injections. But after two years, carrot juice wasn't enough, so when I found out about stem cell nutrition, I decided to try it.
The very first night I took it, I could feel a difference. I not only slept well, but I woke up very early the next morning, which was unusual for me since fatigue was my biggest symptom. Now, with stem cell nutrition, my fatigue is lessening and my memory is beginning to get better. I rest much better now and I recommend stem cell nutrition to all of my friends.

Pain Free and Loving Life
Bob Duncan • I am sixty-two years old, diagnosed with severe degenerative disc disease. I had a heart attack a few years ago, requiring two stems. My liver disease has left me with extremely high ferritin levels. I also have high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and arthritic pain. I was overwhelmed with health problems.
Within five days of starting on stem cell nutrition my back pain went away. My flexibility is returning, getting better every day. My arthritis is much improved. My blood pressure is normalized with only a fourth of my previous medication. The last blood test showed I had normal ferritin levels as well as lower cholesterol. I am now virtually pain free and loving life. I will take stem cell nutrition for the rest of my life. Nothing else has been able to restore my health.

Stress Reduced and Restful Nights
Robin Karnette • I'm a health and wellness practitioner and I keep myself as healthy as I can. When I heard some interesting things about stem cell nutrition I decided to try it. I was curious to see if there would be any benefits. I did notice an immediate reduction of stress. It wasn't an awareness of how stressed I really was, I just noticed that normal irritations no longer seemed important to me. I seemed to be more even keeled.
The stress reduction has been tremendous. Also, I was able to sleep soundly through the entire night where before I would be up two or three times a night because of allergies that interfered with my breathing. For me that was quite an improvement and I'm very thrilled with that aspect.
It is such a blessing. I also notice that stem cell nutrition makes my hair grow a lot faster. Friends have mentioned my improved complexion and say that my coloring is better. I've enjoyed the results of stem cell nutrition so much that I recommend it to friends and family with serious health problems. I am so pleased they have had similar amazing results!

Relief from Raynaud's Phenomena
Stephen W. "Murf" Murphy • I'm 53 years young and I have Raynaud's Phenomena, which is a connective tissue disease that causes my hands and feet to become numb and purple when I'm exposed to cold weather, central air conditioning, or just any time I come in contact with the cold air. 0nce I find a place to warm up it usually takes about 20 to 25 minutes for my hands and feet to get back to their normal pink flesh color. I'm also still recovering from triple bypass surgery that I had almost four years ago.
A friend of mine who also had a bypass and suffers from diabetes and blood pressure, told me about stem cell nutrition.
I'm usually leery about trying something that I know nothing about, but he was seeing positive results so I decided to try it.
That was two months ago. I've never felt so good. From the first day I started taking stem cell nutrition I've felt a peace and reassurance that my heart as well as the rest of my body, is in balance. My Raynaud's Phenomena is much better. When I do have an episode, it does not last very long and my hands and feet are back to their natural pink color within two to three minutes.
What a positive change, and what hope stem cell nutrition has brought into my life. I'm regaining positive health in mind, heart, body and spirit.
I've been on many medicines but none have helped me or brought me a quality life like stem cell nutrition. I thank God the good Lord. This has been an answer to my prayers.