
VitAloe PDF
VitAloe PDF 中文

What is VitAloe™?

Immune and Digestive Support

Key benefits:
Powerful support for immune cell function*
Regulates normal bowel function*
Supports cellular function with important polysaccharides* 

What is it?
VitAloe is a powerful blend of research-backed ingredients designed to support your immune system like no other product on the market. VitAloe combines plants and plant extracts that have traditionally been consumed for their immune enhancing properties in addition to nutrients that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.*

What is it formulated to do?
VitAloe has been expertly formulated to provide the most powerful polysaccharides from the miraculous Aloe vera plant. This potent powder supplement also contains additional research-backed plants and extracts to support your immune and digestive systems.*

Who may benefit?
Anyone who desires well functioning immune and digestive systems can benefit from VitAloe. Those who desire particular support may prefer to take VitAloe twice a day.

How is it used?
Simply add one scoop of VitAloe powder to water, juice or RBC Life’s organic TruAloe® Aloe vera juice and consume once a day or more often if desired.

Discovering the Secrets of Aloe Vera
More than two thousand years ago, juice from the tropical Aloe vera plant was consumed to support healthy digestion and soothe gastric discomfort. Plant nurseries today call it the “medicine plant” since its gel is commonly used to soothe sunburned skin. However, in previous times, with no scientific knowledge of its characteristics, healthcare professionals ignored the testimonials and dismissed it as “folk medicine.”

In 1981 our founder, Clinton Howard, owned a company that produced aloe-based skin care products, and a farm that grew the aloe. He was so impressed with reports from customers on the benefits of aloe, he decided to end the age-old mystery and scientifically investigate Aloe vera. He wanted to discover its active ingredients, and learn how best to process, stabilize, and preserve it to retain its maximum benefits in nutritional and personal care products.

To do this, Mr. Howard formed a research laboratory, and hired a team of scientists charged with the goal of uncovering the secrets of Aloe vera gel. After four years of research, the team successfully discovered that the key ingredient in aloe gel is a polysaccharide – a rare long chain sugar called acemannan.

The Benefits of Acemannan
Mr. Howard’s research team continued their quest into the benefits of this newfound polysaccharide, and learned that acemannan accumulates in, and nourishes, our large white blood cells called macrophages. These cells are a vital part of our body’s natural immune system. The scientists discovered that it was the aloe-fed macrophages that actually caused all of the reported benefits attributed to Aloe vera.*

Following this discovery, Mr. Howard had numerous additional studies conducted by scientists in universities, all of which reconfirmed that the acemannan polysaccharide found in Aloe vera was consumed by macrophages, which in turn activated the other cells that make up the immune system.

As a result of the publication of some of these studies, Aloe vera became recognized as an important nutritional support product. Today Aloe vera is one of the world’s most desired ingredients in the natural health and wellness industry.

Dr. Aloe’s Quest for the Best
Since Aloe vera gel contains only about 1% acemannan, Mr. Howard had his team develop a way to extract and concentrate the acemannan for maximum support to the immune cells. For his contribution in legitimizing the importance of Aloe vera, many now refer to Mr. Howard as “Dr. Aloe.”

Now, in an effort to further increase its healthful benefits, he has combined this concentrate in a powder with seven other research-backed plants and extracts to create VitAloe. This unique product combines natural ingredients that have traditionally been consumed for their immune enhancing properties including Maitake Mushroom, Nopal Cactus, Beta-1,3 Glucan, Arabinogalactan, and Astragalus Root. This formula also includes Inulin, which stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.* 

Each of these ingredients supports specific cellular functions that are vital to the strength of our immune systems.* You can now enjoy a healthy and pleasant tasting beverage each day by mixing a scoop of VitAloe powder in your favorite fruit juice or for best results, add to 2 ounces of RBC Life’s organic Aloe vera juice, TruAloe.®

Try it for a week and see how great you feel!